워싱턴지역 추천 – 물놀이 장소

여행을 떠나기전 공원정보를 먼저 확인후 방문하자

Black Hill Regional Park

Rowboat, canoe, and kayak rentals; guided pontoon tours.

Fletcher’s Cove

Canoe, kayak, and standup-paddleboard rentals.

Fountainhead Regional Park

Kayak, canoe, and jon-boat rentals. The wider sections of the waterway can be tricky to navigate, so stay close to shore and explore the protected coves.

Leesylvania State Park


Canoe, kayak, and standup-paddleboard rentals (creek); sailboat rentals and lessons (river).

Pohick Bay Regional Park

Kayak, canoe, paddleboat, and standup-paddleboard rentals; guided paddle tours. To avoid the wake from larger boats, head west toward the creek, where you’re likelier to see shorebirds, turtles, and other wildlife.

Rock Creek Regional Park

Kayak, rowboat, canoe, and paddleboat rentals; guided tours on a pontoon boat.

Seneca Creek State Park

Kayak, rowboat, canoe, and paddleboat rentals, plus pontoon tours, guided paddles, and Take Me Fishing programs.

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Editor JP : jp@cheerupdad.com

아이디어뱅크 : info@cheerupdad.com